موقع المابييات الإسلامي: يقع جنوب العلا ويعرف باسم (قرح) وهو موقع يعود تاريخه الى العصر الأموي و العباسي وهو من أهم المواقع الإسلامية المبكرة في شمال غرب المملكة وقد أوضحت التقنيات عام 1984 م التي جرت في الموقع أنه يشكل مدينة إسلامية كبيره غنية بمكوناتها الأثرية والحضارية وشوارعها الضيقة التي تفتح عليها دكاكين و منازل بأبواب خشبية زينت واجهاتها بنقوش كتابية وأخرى جصية تذكرنا بطراز سامراء الشهير. Islamic Mabiat Site:It was known as (Garah), a site dating back to the Umayyad and Abbasid era, one of the most important early Islamic sites in the north. Explorations made in 1984 have indicated that a large Muslim city existed here. The survey revealed rich components of archaeological and cultural value. Narrow streets with shops on both side and houses decorated with wooden doors and windows and other graffiti written in fresco style, reminiscent of the famous Samarra culture were discovered. Al Magdasi described it in the 4th century Hijri, as the second largest city after Mecca. Antiquity excavations in 1985 have revealed archaeological remains of a mosque believed to be an Eid Mosque (Annual festival Mosque). Besides this, the remains of the city wall and complete housing units are found. The town was flourishing in 3rd and 5th Hejiri century but it declined by the 6th Hejiri Century (12th century CE). For more information: http://www.scta.gov.sa