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Nature-Sanctuary Struffelt (ACK-020)
The nature-sanctuary Stuffelt in Roetgen / Rott near Aachen.
From the front door right out onto the ski slopes... Situated at an altitude of 2020 m Kühtai is Austria's highest winter sport village and because of this it has best snowconditions from beginning of December till spring. The slopes are next to the hotels, so no walking or driving is neccessary. Besides 30 km of sk...
Rondane National Park
Norway’s first national park. The Rondane massif towers impressively over wide, lichen-covered mountain plateaus. In the south, the visitor is met by a tranquil landscape of gently rounded peaks. But these mountains also conceal deep valleys and precipitous mountainsides, especiallyin the north and in the east. The ...
Antigua is an island in the West Indies in the Caribbean.  It is part of the Leeward Islands region and is the main island of the country of Antigua and Barbuda.  The island offers 365 beaches, one for each day of the year and has plenty to offer for holidaymakers.  The capital is St Johns in the North of the island...
Oberbayern liegt im Südosten des Freistaats Bayern und grenzt im Süden und Osten an Österreich, im Nordosten an Niederbayern und die Oberpfalz, im Nordwesten an Mittelfranken und im Westen an Schwaben. Verwaltungssitz des Bezirks und gleichzeitig Regierungssitz des Regierungsbezirks ist München. Oberbayerns Grenzen ...
Where snow is always guaranteed. Located in the upper Ötztal Valley on the main Alpine ridge. Total slope length 110km (Hochgurgl ski area: approx. 54 km, Obergurgl ski area: approx. 56 km):  
Orlando is a large city located in Orange County, Florida. Orlando, for most people, conjures up the image of theme parks, mainly Walt Disney World, but it has a lot more to offer than that. (In fact, Disney World is not in Orlando, but is in nearby Lake Buena Vista). Downtown Orlando includes none of the major them...