A mais conhecida passagem do rio Varosa é a ponte de Ucanha, provavelmente edificada durante os séculos XIV-XV, substituindo uma outra de filiação romana. A torre que lhe está adossada foi construída em 1465 por iniciativa do abade do Mosteiro de Santa Maria de Salzedas, D. Fernando, marcando a entrada no couto monástico e servindo como depósito do pagamento da portagem que os viandantes aqui entregavam para a transporem.
Por ordem deste abade foi erigido em 1472 um hospital nas proximidades da ponte, para auxílio dos pobres e viajantes, possivelmente no local onde hoje se mantém uma porta de cariz medieval.
Aqui passava a estrada, já desde a época romana, que de Lamego se dirigia para o interior, passando por Moimenta da Beira e Trancoso, podendo-se ainda hoje observar alguns troços de calçada bem conservados. Inevitavelmente, também aqui parte um caminho em direção ao Mosteiro de Santa Maria de Salzedas.
Traveled along the Varosa River, which is born here, the municipality of Tarouca presents, uniting the banks of its main watercourse, several bridges of medieval origin, in places of great scenic beauty. The most notable is undoubtedly the Ucanha ...
The bridge in its primitive one-story tower structure worked with the barrier or toll tax. Documents from 1315 and 1318 determine the mandatory crossing of the bridge and the respective payment, a practice that only came to be abolished during the...
The bridge in its primitive one-story tower structure worked with the barrier or toll tax. Documents from 1315 and 1318 determine the mandatory crossing of the bridge and the respective payment, a practice that only came to be abolished during the...
Traveled along the Varosa River, which is born here, the municipality of Tarouca presents, joining the banks of its main watercourse, several bridges of medieval origin, in places of great scenic beauty. The most notable is undoubtedly the Ucanha ...
Gothic fortified bridge, with a square plant tower, with an access door on a level above the ground. Equipped with flags and counters with "matacães". Opening main windows in a conopial arch. Saddle bridge, due to the obtuse angle of the board, su...
Gothic fortified bridge, with a square plant tower, with an access door on a level above the ground. Equipped with flags and counters with "matacães". Opening main windows in a conopial arch. Saddle bridge, due to the obtuse angle of the board, su...
Balcony side view. Gothic fortified bridge, with a square plant tower, with an access door on a level above the ground. Equipped with flags and counters with matacães. Opening main windows in a conopial arch.
The Tower has a square base, with three floors. Under the Tower, in the building itself, a vaulted arch was left that gives passage from the village to the bridge. On the face of the tower, on the side of the village, and on the right, there is a ...
The lower part of the tower, as well as the entire arch and passage tunnel, have all the expression of a Romanesque building from the 12th century. The bridge in its primitive one-story tower structure worked with the barrier or toll tax. Document...
The lower part of the tower, as well as the entire arch and passage tunnel, have all the expression of a Romanesque building from the 12th century. The bridge in its primitive one-story tower structure worked with the barrier or toll tax. Document...